R1m Cafe Racer

Sebbene il catalogo Yamaha sia pieno di moto adatte ad essere trasformate in cafè racer, la proposta di Holographic Hammer è quasi più estrema della moto utilizzata, una potente R1M
R1m cafe racer. R1M Cafe Racer. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 5 of 5 Posts. ridetofish · Super Moderator. Joined Feb 1, 2014 · 4,221 Posts . Discussion Starter • #1 • May 12, 2016. Yamaha R1M Café Racer by Holographic Hammer. Modifikasi Motor Terbaik – Salah satu jalan untuk mendapatkan sepeda motor sesuai dengan keinginan hati adalam melakukan modifikasi. Banyak gaya yang bisa masbro terapkan pada motor kesayangan. Kali ini kami akan focus terhadap aliran modifikasi Cafe Racer, Japstyle, dan Scrambler yang notabennya menjadi trend modifikasi di tahun 2018. Saiisoku.com - Hi guys... Yamaha R1 adalah salah satu motorsport 1000cc milik yamaha. Desain full fairing dengan headlamp uniknya muncul pertama kalinya ditahun 2015 lalu. Dan kini, hadir dengan tampilan cafe racer yang nyentrik, Yamaha R1 dibuat ala cafe racer. Masih dalam bentuk konsep. Bukan massprod (massal production). • Spy shot yamaha R15 facelift •… 2021 Yamaha YZF-R1M Supersport Motorcycle - Photo Gallery, Video, Specs, Features, Offers, Inventory and more
Yamaha R1M Cafe Racer: perambulando pelas redes sociais, encontramos esse modelo que muito nos surpreendeu. Esses caras que realizam customização são insanos: transformaram a R1M em uma Cafe Racer. Apr 29, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by John Daley. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest โฮโลกราฟฟิค แฮมเมอร์ ดูเหมือนจะมาสไตล์นี้จริงๆ ล่าสุดกับผลงานการเรนเดอร์ของยามาฮ่า วายแซดเอฟ-อาร์1เอ็ม ในสไตล์ คาเฟ่เรเซอร์ออกมาได้โก๋โดน. That being said, we wanted to take a minute to talk about one of HH’s recent pieces: a café racer design based off of the Yamaha R1M superbike. The idea is sort of out there, but yet also makes.
KAWASAKI Z900 RS Cafe 重新引领Cafe Racer风潮. 这是一台不折不扣的日系四大天王之一YAMAHA YZF-R1M,一台拥有200匹马力与114牛顿米扭力的顶级和制地表飞弹,如果你最近也有在关心关于HONDA 新的CB车系与KAWASAKI Z900RS Cafe带起的一波属于亚洲的Café Racer与手工风路线的话,那对于YAMAHA自家的XSR车系想必不会陌生。 Yamaha R1M Café Racer by Holographic Hammer. Even if most of it is just manipulating pixels, we are big fans of the work being done by the guys at Holographic Hammer, as they are bringing something fresh and unique to the industry, which is always a good thing.. Honda CB 750 Cafe Racer - Mofa - #Café #Honda #Mofa #Racer - Honda CB 750 Cafe. Mar 1, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by anibar bonilla. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Ünlü dizayn firması Holographic Hammer Yamaha YZF R1M modelini cafe racer haline dönüştürdü.. Yamaha’nın superbike modeli Yamaha YZF-R1 ’in MT versiyonu Yamaha MT-10 ismi ile geçtiğimiz yıl sonunda ortaya çıkmıştı. MT-10 modeli henüz satışa çıkmadan Halographic Hammer isimli dizayn firması Yamaha R1M Cafe Racer modelini tasarladı.
Cafè Racer Concepts - Yamaha YZF-R1M by Holographic Hammer Foto: Facebook (Holographic Hammer). The 520 Chain Cafe. Yamaha 1 anno fa ze Last Chance Garage du 7-8. Sultans of Sprint 2017 2 anni fa Manx Cat Motosport. VICTOR LÓPEZ, SIN HACER RUIDO 3 anni fa La boîte au Zèbre. Jul 5, 2018 - Rocketgarage Magazine, Engine Fuel & Passion since 2007. cafe racer, scrambler, bobber, flat track, motorcycle, lifestyle, endurance, restomod Dan sedikit ingin mencobanya dengan mengubah yamaha vixion memilki garis disain yang sama dengan R1M Cafe Racer … agak melakukan penyesuaian sih sebenernya Cuma sedikit merubah bagian setengah tanki , jok dan buritan doang sih yang sama .. hehehe, walapun cuma sedikit efeknya lumayan merubah si vixion menjadi disain yang segaris dengan konsep R1M Cafe Racer tersebut… Oct 2, 2019 - Nekkid in Parisby John BurnsMotorcycle.com / 2016-03-09 16:14From the sketch book of Holographic Hammer as posted to its Facebook site, we give you the “R1M Cafe Racer.” The story…